Northern face
Besieged 2nd November 1899
Relieved 28th February 1900
Commander, Lieut. Gnl. Sir G.S. White V.C.
Relieving Commander, Gnl. Sir Redvers Buller V.C.
Southern face
Heroes who gave their lives for the Empire
Eastern face
Besieged 14th October 1899
Relieved 15th February 1900
Commander, Colonel Kekewich.
Relieving Commander, Lieut. Gnl. French.
Western face
Besieged 15th October 1899
Relieved 17th May 1900
Commander, Colonel Baden-Powell.
Relieving Commander, Lieut. Col. Mahon D.S.O.
Base, plaque
1945 1995
- Commemorating 50 years -
To the men and women who paid the supreme sacrifice in World War II.
Lest we forget
Base, tablet
Erected by public subscription 1901
Base, plaque
The Mafeking Lamp dedicated by the Casino Ministers Fraternal on the 11th November 1991 as a memorial to those who served in the Australian Armed Forces on land, sea and in the air during times of war.
Lest we forget