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Lismore Commemorative Park

Lismore Commemorative Park
Lismore Commemorative Park
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Description / Background

Lismore's Commemorative Park was established as part of the 'Australia Remembers, 1945–1995' program of activities, which was organised by the Federal Government to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. It was opened on 5 September 1995 by Australian Government Veterans Affairs Minister Con Sciacca. Over a number of years, varied war memorials have been placed in this park.

Local history

At a council meeting held in October 1928, a question was raised concerning the promise made by the State Premier of 1,000 pounds for the beautification of Lismore War Memorial Park. That same year, there was much discussion about the name of the park. Prior to the current name, the park area was called 'Spinks Park', 'Soldiers Memorial Park' and later 'Memorial Park'. The name Spinks was taken from the name of the Mayor at the time. A petition was even circulated to support the retention of the 'Spinks' name (Northern Star, 8 January; 2 October; 17 October 1928). 

In 1929, at a council meeting, it was determined that the area known as 'Spinks Park' be retained and the whole of the new park land be called 'War Memorial Park' (Northern Star, 8 January 1929). In the following year, contractor Mr O. Sims erected ornamental iron gates to the Lismore Memorial Baths. He also constructed a timber and iron fence along the front of the Memorial Park. 


Welcome board


'Australia Remembers'
Opened on 5th September 1995 by Veterans Affairs Minister Con Sciacca

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Cnr Molesworth and Market Street
Lismore NSW 2480
Local Government Area
Lismore, City of
Location status
Original location
Memorial type
Recorded by
Graham Wilson
Year of construction
Dedication date
05 September 1995
First World War, 1914–18
Second World War, 1939–45