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Douglas Grant

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Rank (legacy)
Service (legacy)
13 Infantry Battalion - 19 to 23 Reinforcements (August-November 1916)
World War 1
Veteran Notes/Bio

Pte Grant first enlisted in the AIF in 1916 but was discharged because of regulations restricting Aboriginal people from serving. He successfully re-enlisted and while serving with the 13th Bn was captured at Bullecourt, France, in April 1917. During his time as a prisoner of war in Germany, Grant, a talented artist, was of great interest to German scientists and anthropologists. One German scientist described Grant as "an unmistakable figure", who was appointed by his fellow prisoners to take charge of relief parcels because of "his honesty, his quick mind, and because he was so aggressively Australian". Grant returned to Australia on 10 April 1919. He died in Australia in 1951. Pte Avery enlisted on the 9 September 1914. Avery was captured while serving with the 45th Bn in France and later died of wounds at a German field hospital on 25 May 1918.

Information taken from


Date of embarkation: 22 August 1916

Place of embarkation: Sydney

Ship embarked on: HMAT Wiltshire

Ship number: A18


Douglas Grant designed the war memorial at Rozelle Hospital - Callan Park. Listing here


Additional information provided by Marghanita da Cruz. See Marghanita's website for more information here

Photographs related to this veteran
Group portrait, left to right; 6020 Private (Pte) Douglas Grant, 13th Battalion (Bn), 467 Pte Harry Avery, 45th Bn, and unidentified British soldier.
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