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'Our Mob Served' Sydney Yarn Ups

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'Our Mob Served' Sydney Yarn Ups

The Sydney Yarn Up, held at Redfern Block in March 2014, provided some amazing stories of courage under fire, protection of mates and the loss of close friends in battle. The team heard stories from people with extensive knowledge of family, friends and others who have served in the Australian Defence Forces throughout the last century.

The organiser of the Redfern Anzac Day March and ceremony, Ray Minniecon’s brothers, Phillip and Sterling served in the Defence forces. Ray spoke about the Coloured Diggers March and shared his knowledge of veterans and ex-servicemen and women.

Vic Simon told the project team about fighting in the Battle of Long Tan during his service in the Vietnam War.

Roy Mundine talked about his time as a Section Commander in the infantry, Quartermaster and a Warrant Officer Class One, serving in Malaya, England, New Zealand and twice in Vietnam and Borneo.

Gordon Syron spoke about the service of his uncles and brothers in many conflicts going back to World War I.

 Louise Corpus talked about her Uncle Pinky and his service during World War 2,

Paulette Whitton  spoke about the service of men in her family including her Uncle William George Chapman who served in World War 2.

The project team returned to Sydney in May 2017 and interviewed Val Hinton, wife of Cecil Hinton, and their daughter Gladys Constantine, who spoke about Cecil’s experiences as a PoW during World War 2. Cecil was held prisoner in Changi for 3 and half years. Cecil’s granddaughter Tamara Giles also sheared her memories of her grandfather.