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Christ Church Cathedral Warriors' Chapel, Newcastle

Christ Church Cathedral Warriors' Chapel, Newcastle
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Description / Background

This memorial chapel is located on the northern side of Newcastle's Christ Church Cathedral, to the left of the altar. It is built of pale yellow sandstone. Nine stained glass windows overlook the chapel and on the floor in the centre of the chapel is a stone, which was placed by the children of Edward and Caroline Parnell.

At the western end of the space are several individual memorials:

  • an effigy of Alfred Henry Forster of the Sots Greys, who died of wounds on 10 March 1919. The effigy was dedicated on 29 April 1928. The original of this effigy is in the Church of All Hallows, by-the-Tower, London. In the wall behind the effigy is the foundation stone for the Chapel.
  • a wooden cross of a unknown British Soldier.
  • a Changi Rushlist.
  • a stone medallion from Canterbury Cathedral.
  • a memorial by Cecil Thomas to the fallen of the First World War.

Northern and eastern walls under the windows

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them. 1914-1918.

Western wall - wooden cross

A wooden cross of “A unknown British Soldier” presented to the Dean of Newcastle by H.R.H. Prince of Wales, December 1927.

Western wall - stone medallion

The medallion above is of stone that once formed part of Canterbury Cathedral, and was given by the Dean and Chapter of that Ancient Minster, to be incorporated into the fabric of this chapel.

Western wall - foundation stone

A.M.D.G. [Ad maiorem Dei gloriam ("For the greater glory of God")] And in grateful memory of our beloved who died in the Great War 1914-1918.

The foundation stone of this memorial was laid by His Excellency, The Right Honourable Lord Forster P.C. G.C.M.C. Governor-General of Australia, the Second Day of August 1923. “Other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ.”

The fabric of this chapel is the gift of Hudson Berkeley and his wife Annie Fowler Berkeley.

Western end of chapel - on the sandstone block holding the effigy

Their name liveth for evermore.

Southern wall

Hallowed in Christ be the memory of the brave men and women who died in the Great War for the freedom of the world. They shall stand before the throne an exceeding great army and in that last muster there shall be found these our own well-beloved.

In the floor, centre of the chapel

A.M.D.G. And that those who shall come here may remember the sacrifice in the Great War, of our heroic Australian dead. The marble floor was placed in this chapel, by the children of Edward and Caroline Parnell. A.D. 1924.

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Christ Church Cathedral
52 Church Street
The Hill NSW 2300
Local Government Area
Newcastle, City of
Building – inside
Location status
Original location
Memorial type
Recorded by
Mr Robert McLardy
Year of construction
02 August 1923
First World War, 1914–18